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Aluminium Windows vs Timber & uPVC Windows

Do you want Aluminium windows, Timber or uPVC Windows? Making the choice of what windows to have when you have decided to replace your existing ones can be difficult. So we have put together a breakdown of each kind to give you all the info your need to make the right choice for you.

uPVC Windows

A common site across many houses. uPVC is a plastic framed window that has an overall lower cost than most windows. They are energy efficient as the glass double glazing is a great insulator. Although they do have a high insulation value and can help you to lower your energy bills, they have a shorter life span than timber and aluminium windows. As a weaker material, they are prone to damage over their life and will need replacing sooner.

Timber Windows

Timber windows are used mainly for their aesthetic value. Giving homes such as period properties a more classic look. Timber has a unique finish and is very good at insulting heat, which can be a bonus in the winter. The major downfall of timber frames is price, they are can be the most expensive choice. They also require regular maintenance to keep them at their best, which in a modern lifestyle can be a little time consuming.

Aluminium Windows Cheltenham

The strongest window choice is Aluminium, able to give you a slimmer frame with greater glass surface. Available in a choice of colours because of the powder coating that’s applied to the frame. Sometimes seen as the least efficient when it comes to insulation, but this is combated by the layer of insulating materials within the frame and as they are strong they can take a much thicker glazing than other window types, giving a much better efficiency. Aluminium windows have a reputation of not being suited to as a replacement for heritage windows but with modern techniques they are becoming a more popular and robust choice.

The Right Choice For You

The ultimate choice comes down to what works best for you and your home. Each has their positives and we hope you feel you can make an informed choice for your replacement windows.

Aluminium Windows And Doors

At BB Fabrications UK Ltd, we supply aluminium windows made from Smart Architectural Aluminium, the UK’s leading supplier of aluminium products. For more information, get in touch with our team today on 01684 491270.

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