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Why Aluminium Windows And Doors Are Eco Friendly

Aluminium windows and doors are not only strong, light and energy efficient but they are also eco-friendly. There are many reasons to have these windows and doors in your home or business but knowing how they help the environment can make them an even better choice.

Built To Last

Aluminium windows and aluminium doors are made to be strong but are much lighter than other materials. A durable material that is very resistant to corrosion. They can last much longer than alternatives, as long as 50% more in the average lifetime of windows and doors. Meaning they will not need to be replaced for some time, resulting in a reduction in your household carbon footprint.

Aluminium is recyclable

Aluminium is fully recyclable. When aluminium windows or doors reach the end of their life they can be removed and recycled to be reused as either a new window or a multitude of uses. Not only recyclable but aluminium’s production energy is 95% less than other materials and the waste produced is much less too.
Overall, aluminium waste is reduced because it can be manipulated in a way that waste is very little and will the bonus that any waste can then be recycled itself by being melted down and reused again and again.

Are Aluminium Windows And Doors Energy Efficient

It’s a common myth that aluminium windows and aluminium doors are not energy efficient, but this couldn’t be more false. When they are constructed the are engineered in a way that they are now highly energy efficient. Additional materials are used within the frame to add both insulation and an extra seal to protect your home from the elements and keep heat in the home.

Keeping the heat in your home for longer means your bills will be greatly reduced and overall, more energy efficient and better for the environment.

Aluminium Windows And Doors Cheltenham

Our range of aluminium windows and doors in Cheltenham are beautifully crafted and made from the highest quality aluminium. They will provide a sleek, stylish and modern look to any domestic property, with their clean and slim appearance. For more information, get in touch with our team today on 01684 491270.

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