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Why You Should Choose Aluminium Windows Over Other Windows

It’s easy to overlook aluminium windows. Especially when uPVC and wood have been seen in homes around Cheltenham for so long. Lately, more and more buildings have started to use aluminium for their doors and windows for a sleek finish. So much so that they are becoming more common as years go by. Let’s explore the benefits these windows can bring.

The Benefits Of Aluminium Window Replacements In Cheltenham

When it comes to simplicity, efficiency and looks, aluminium is slowly starting to show us why it’s the top choice. There are many benefits that come from choosing this style of window over others – here’s what they are:


Aluminium windows are light and easy to move. This makes them not only easier to fit, but less prone to warping. Additionally, due to their lightweight nature aluminium windows put less strain on hinges, resulting in longer lasting fittings.

Green aluminium heritage windows on building


Due to the strength of the metal, less material is required for a strong frame. These smaller frames result in more glass and therefore extra light.


On top of all these perks, aluminium windows are easier to clean. Unlike wood or uPVC there is less space for dirt to get in, and the nature of metal means grime is less likely to bind to it. As you can see, there are many benefits to choosing aluminium windows above other materials. If you’re looking for a sleeker, longer lasting and more convenient window for your Cheltenham property, get in touch with BB fabrications to get started.

Aluminium Vs uPVC & Wood Windows

Variety is great. It’s good to have options and certain materials do some jobs better. After all, we wouldn’t want all buildings looking the same. Let’s have a look at what wood and uPVC do, and why aluminium windows would still be a better choice for your Cheltenham home.


It’s well known that uPVC is always going to be the cheaper option, its cost-effective to produce and widespread across the country. However, just because the upfront cost is cheaper does not always mean that you’re saving money in the long term. Aluminium will cost you more from the start, however over time it will work out cheaper. uPVC is heavy and more often cheaply made, resulting in hinges and mechanisms breaking far sooner than desired. The plastic may be long lasting, but if the attachments don’t last it’s not really worth it. At the end of the day, when taking everything into account, aluminium would be the better choice.
Wear And Tear On Upvc Glazing
Replacement Windows


Wood is a bit trickier. Often seen as a classic style, it’s the go-to for older buildings. In fact, due to the high volume of old and listed buildings in the UK, sometimes timber windows are mandatory. However, if you have a choice of what windows are installed in your home, it’s worth considering that timber can often be more expensive (if hardwood) and lasts fewer years than aluminium. Not to mention, they’re much more difficult to clean.

Aluminium Windows & Why They’re Best

Ultimately, it’s an easy decision. If weight, longevity, cleanliness and aesthetic are important to you, aluminium windows are the easy choice to make. Occasionally, property listings and classic aesthetics could force a different choice. When you decide to take the plunge and install aluminium windows in Cheltenham, be sure to contact us at BB Fabrications.

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